Cacher 2.9.0 Product Key

Cacher 2.9.0 Product Key

Cacher 2.9.0 Product Key

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Cacher 2.9.0 Product Key
Cacher 2.9.0 Product Key
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Cacher 2.9.0 Product Key

Cacher 2.9.0 Product Key - opinion


circleci example

like azure pipelines, circleci also uses immutable caches:

steps:-run:command: shasum

Obtain the license¶

After you install MSR, download your new MSR license and apply it using the MSR web UI.


Users are not authorized to run MSR on production workloads without a valid license. Refer to Mirantis Agreements and Terms for more information.

To download your MSR license:

  1. Open an email from Mirantis Support with the subject Welcome to Mirantis’ CloudCare Portal and follow the instructions for logging in.

    If you did not receive the CloudCare Portal email, you likely have not yet been added as a Designated Contact and should contact your Designated Administrator.

  2. In the top navigation bar, click Environments.

  3. Click the Cloud Name associated with the license you want to download.

  4. Scroll down to License Information and click the License File URL. A new tab opens in your browser.

  5. Click View file to download your license file.

To update your license settings in the MSR web UI:

  1. Log in to your MSR instance as an administrator.

  2. In the left-side navigation panel, click Settings.

  3. On the General tab, click Apply new license. A file browser dialog displays.

  4. Navigate to where you saved the license key () file, select it, and click Open. MSR automatically updates with the new settings.


Overriding language version

Sometimes you only want to run the hooks on a specific version of the language. For each language, they default to using the system installed language (So for example if I’m running and a hook specifies , pre-commit will run the hook using ). Sometimes you don’t want the default system installed version so you can override this on a per-hook basis by setting the .

This tells pre-commit to use ruby to run the hook.

Valid values for specific languages are listed below:

  • python: Whatever system installed python interpreters you have. The value of this argument is passed as the to .
    • new in : on windows the pep name will be translated into a py launcher call for portability. So continue to use names like () or () even on windows.
  • node: See nodeenv.
  • ruby: See ruby-build.

new in : you can now set at the top level in your configuration to control the default versions across all hooks of a language.

default_language_version:# force all unspecified python hooks to run python3python:python3# force all unspecified ruby hooks to run ruby ruby

badging your repository

you can add a badge to your repository to show your contributors / users that you use pre-commit!


  • Markdown:

  • HTML:

  • reStructuredText: :target: :alt: pre-commit
  • AsciiDoc:[pre-commit,]

Usage in continuous integration

pre-commit can also be used as a tool for continuous integration. For instance, adding as a CI step will ensure everything stays in tip-top shape. To check only files which have changed, which may be faster, use something like

Managing CI Caches

by default places its repository store in -- this can be configured in two ways:

  • : if set, pre-commit will use that location instead.
  • : if set, pre-commit will use following the XDG Base Directory Specification. example

no additional configuration is needed to run in! also has the following benefits:

  • it's faster than other free CI solutions
  • it will autofix pull requests
  • it will periodically autoupdate your configuration speed comparison

appveyor example


azure pipelines example

note: azure pipelines uses immutable caches so the python version and hash must be included in the cache key. for a repository template, see [email&#;protected].

jobs:-job:precommit# variables:PRE_COMMIT_HOME:$( script:echo "##vso[ variable=PY]$(python -VV)"-task:[email&#;protected]inputs:key:pre-commit ${{ hashFiles('') }}

gitlab CI example

See the Gitlab caching best practices to fine tune the cache scope.


pre-commit's cache requires to be served from a constant location between the different builds. This isn't the default when using k8s runners on GitLab. In case you face the error , set to something static e.g in your config

travis-ci example


Usage with tox

tox is useful for configuring test / CI tools such as pre-commit. One feature of is it will clear environment variables such that tests are more reproducible. Under some conditions, pre-commit requires a few environment variables and so they must be allowed to be passed through.

When cloning repos over ssh (), requires the variable and will otherwise fail:

[INFO] Initializing environment for [email&#;protected]:pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks. An unexpected error has occurred: CalledProcessError: command: ('/usr/bin/git', 'fetch', 'origin', '--tags') return code: expected return code: 0 stdout: (none) stderr: [email&#;protected]: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. Check the log at /home/asottile/.cache/pre-commit/

Add the following to your tox testenv:


Likewise, when cloning repos over http / https (), you might be working behind a corporate http(s) proxy server, in which case requires the , and variables to be set, or the clone may fail:

[testenv]passenv=http_proxy https_proxy no_proxy

Using the latest version for a repository

configuration aims to give a repeatable and fast experience and therefore intentionally doesn't provide facilities for "unpinned latest version" for hook repositories.

Instead, provides tools to make it easy to upgrade to the latest versions with . If you need the absolute latest version of a hook (instead of the latest tagged version), pass the parameter to .

assumes that the value of is an immutable ref (such as a tag or SHA) and will cache based on that. Using a branch name (or ) for the value of is not supported and will only represent the state of that mutable ref at the time of hook installation (and will NOT update automatically).